How to Properly Fill out the ATF E-Form 1

ATF Form 1: Everything You Need to Know – Silencer Central


Disclaimer: Please take note that this article DOES NOT recommend or endorse modifications or alterations to solvent traps or any other products sold. This is purely educational purposes, to simply inform those entering this market of the realities of what many individuals and companies are doing.

Dealing with your firearm requires precision, patience, and a lot of know-how! Beyond the technical aspects of the firearm itself, there are hundreds of laws and details that you’ll need to keep track of. One area that stands out repeatedly with firearm owners is the ATF E-Form 1, so we’re here to walk you through the details.

Form 1 and Form 4

There are many different processes for your firearm, and they’re all governed by the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives or ATF. To register your firearm under one of the forms when changes are made, you’ll need to decide whether you’ll put in Form 1 or 4.

A Form 1 for your firearms solvent trap is the most efficient way to build out your firearm. Solvent traps under Form 1 require a $200 tax stamp and can be accepted as an adaptation to your firearm.

The Form 4 process for your firearm is a little more complicated, and rather than being accomplished by the owner, you’ll need to go through a licensed dealer. Rather than simply dealing with an adjustment to your firearm, Form 4 deals with the transfer and registration. These firearms are regulated and registered with the National Firearms Act and are more highly followed by the ATF

The Differences

A Form 1 is what you’ll fill out to register your solvent trap on your firearm yourself! While it may feel like a drag to do it all yourself, you’ll get a much quicker return if you stick to Form 1 rather than opt for Form 4.

The Form 4 process puts the details in someone else’s hands, so you’d need to rely on them to get the job done the way you want it. Both processes are simple stamp taxes that put you clear and registered with the ATF for your solvent trap.

There are plenty of different options for altering and developing your firearm. Solvent traps are one of the most cost-effective, and Form 1 is filed with the ATF helps keep you above board when you’re ready to head out on the range! While a solvent trap is typically used as cleaning for your firearm, registering them opens up a whole new world for you with your firearm.


Dealing with your firearm and making sure everything, every process, line, and dot, is in place is extremely important. The ATF is the federal agency that regulates everything about your firearm. Adding a solvent trap to your firearm is a simple way to alter your firearm in a whole new way and open up a new realm of use for yourself.

Form 1 and Form 4 both register your gun with the ATF, but Form 1 is what you do yourself, while Form 4 has you go through a licensed dealer. Both processes will take some time, but Form 1 will get you where you want to go much quicker!


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