Why should traders never attempt to predict the prices?

It is an old saying in the stock market that no investors should try by themselves to guess the recent prices of their stocks. Not only it can ruin their positions as investors, but also, they may lose their money in this process.

In this informative article, we have tried to gather some reasons about why traders shouldn’t guess the prices. 

Commerce is about discipline

Before investing on the stock market, you should define and discipline your profit goals. Note that your ability to take risks is very restricted and you should trade strictly inside its limits if you want to have a legit earning. Otherwise, taking a risk may severely endanger your money by generating huge losses.

The emphasis should be on dynamism

While the general trend may be good, it can push against the inventory of some industries. If borrowing rates are reduced, for example, the banking and automotive industries will gain and be in favor. 

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Safeguard your capital

It is essential that traders realize that the protection of their money stays at the core of their stock market activity. Profits and losses are part of the game, but when it comes to your money, your judgment should not be mistaken and that’s why you should never guess the price.

Strict limits on capital losses, whether particular to your businesses or the times when you trade, are a smart approach to comply. When the market goes against you, your ability to forecast stock prices will be of little value. 

You have to adhere to your strategy and be disciplined in your transactions.

Stock prices seldom change directly

Traders may believe that stock prices are going to go straight ahead in the expected manner. Statistically, this is hardly ever going to be true. When evaluated with fundamental factors, a significant number of securities traded across the globe will show that if you decide before knowing the whole information, it would be improbable for your future.

Traders should trade on averages and based on price fluctuations and the momentum of the market. Setting a stock is not a sustainable approach so, make sure to never take the initiative to guess the recent pricings.

Concentrate on what you can control

Know that the stock market is governed by forces much beyond your control. These are the decisions of most stock markets around the world that interest rates, inflation, budget deficits, company performance and stock prices, etc should be taken care of by the brokerage firms.

You might purchase a share on a busy market during dips and sell during increases depending on the undertone businesses. You may also have a backup plan if the market forces operate outside of your control. Furthermore, traders have no control over anything so make sure go with how your chosen brokers guide you.


As an alternative approach, traders may take other variables into account to maximize their profits.

Prices are changing in waves

As shown above, prices do not move directly, but in waves in the stock market industry. Even if stock prices decrease temporarily, traders must maintain their holdings until the broader trend seems unfavorable. 

Traders should nonetheless have an exit point in place. Those who want to create short-term businesses may benefit from these waves provided that their orientation is not burdened.


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